The difference between plastic flower pots and traditional flower pots

Plastic flowerpots are flowerpots made of plastic. Compared with traditional porcelain flowerpots, they have fewer watering times, are relatively cheap, unintentional, durable, colorful, and highly decorative. For a long time, the problem of water pollution and placement of traditional ceramic flowerpots has caused many watering times with traditional flowerpots, and the problem of poor control…

Points to note when choosing ceramic pot

People who grow flowers and plants have a special liking for ceramic pots. They will feel that ceramic flowerpots are not only exquisite in appearance, but also more ornamental when matched with cultivated flowers; and ceramic flowerpots will be stronger and more durable than other material flowerpots. When choosing a ceramic flowerpot, you must pay…

The characteristics and practicality of ceramic basin

The molding process of ceramic pot is mainly divided into two types: manual molding and mechanical molding. Hand molding uses hand-drawn blanks and sculptural techniques, and has a deep artistic expression. Each piece is unique. The mechanical molding has high production efficiency, but it is the same and has no comparable value. Ceramic flowerpots have…

The characteristics and practicality of nursery pots

Seeding Tray is also called the pot, which is a professional small tool for nursery. The nursery pots are mainly used for industrial and factory seedlings, which can be used to raise seedlings of flowers, vegetables and fruits. The general nursery pots have a lot of spaces, mainly made of resin materials. The nursery pot…

The principle of grow bag application and its effect

Grow bag technology has low cost, short construction period, and wide application, and it has evolved into the mainstream three-dimensional greening technology in China. The basic principle is to use high-quality non-woven fabrics to be precisely cut and processed into planting bags per unit area. Dozens of soil-cultivating bags are sewn on each planting bag…